Wednesday, November 23, 2016

You Can Make Your Own Story!

There is something about matte black cars... Whenever i look at them i see roughness beauty success and class. Not every car can pull this look off, hold it! i'll tell You where am driving at. When i was a Child i knew a meat seller (ele eran) who used to sell meat on the Street, he also sold door to door, That was how i met him. All of sudden he stopped coming, and i never saw him again. One Day, some years later my mum said to me "guess who i saw at the Bank today, our ele eran" yea,yea... Our ele ran, that's how we called him. *lol* I laughed and said "what was he doing at the Bank" This was because i had a single story @chimamanda_ngozi_adichie about him and had stereotyped him as an NFA (no future ambition). I found out later from my mum that he was training himself in the University all the while he sold meat. She couldn't even recognize him because of the position he held at the Bank. My point; Your humble beginning does not mean You cannot be a diamond in the future. It's not too late to start. Never give up! So i Just got to my destination⛽ Have a great week!

Friday, March 18, 2016

Tips On How To Prepare For Exams

Exam is an abbreviation for Examination, which is a formal test involving answering written or oral questions with no or limited access to test books or the like.
There must be an exam for you to go to the next level. For me I’ll simply say, Exam is a step you need to climb to take you to the next level or next phase in life.
Many people see exams as a very scary that sometimes some even take ill when they are about to write an exam… lol.
So here are some tips on how to prepare for an exam so it turns out less complex to you:
1.       Prepare ahead of time; preparation is key. Don’t wait for the dying moment before you start to read, except you have an extraordinary IQ,  (IQ abbreviation for intelligent quotient, which is a number representing a person’s reasoning ability as compared to the statistical norm for their age) if you fail to prepare in some course… sorry to say this, you will fail woefully. And that leads us to (2)
2.       Do not cram it all, read to understand to some level at least. It happened to me once, I waited to a night before a physics to test to prepare, so I ended up cramming, when I got to the hall the test papers where shared, I knew the answers to every question on the paper… cool right? I picked my pen and started to write, I was writing till I stumbled on a line of what I was writing and that was the end, I forgot it all, the more I tried to remember the more I forgot, till I realized I was blank.
3.       So how do you go about the preparation? Create a personal timetable for yourself for reading and also arrange all your schedules in it so one doesn’t affect the order.
4.        Find out what works out best for you; everyone isn’t the same, what will work for A might or not work for B and C. if you need to read in a quiet environment, do so, if you need music to read, do so, just don’t read the way your friend is reading because you want to read with your friend, except it suits you. Just do what you are comfortable with.
5.       Start to read from the beginning of a semester or term. Take 3 to 4 hours a day to read. Before you know it you would have covered the whole course work even before any pre exam test
6.       Prepare for tests as you would for exams they add up to your exam scores.
7.       Never allow a person make you believe you would fail a course. Prepare for every tough course as you would do for others, do not give up. Just assign more time to the course.
8.       Don’t over stress your brain; after you have read for a while drop your books do other things, you can meditate. Do not over do things, because you might crash i.e end up falling sick during the exams and you might not be able to write the exams you prepared day and night for and that is a huge collateral damage.
9.       Lastly before going for an exam always try to eat something, so you don’t feel hungry when you see a tough question, at that point you should be thinking of ways to answer the question and writing on your booklet rather than types of food.
And let me leave you with this quote;

“I learned this at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to leave the life which he had imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” –Henry David Thoreau

Enjoy your exams and scale through life with success!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Quote Me!

"The success story of every child, lies in sync to the mentoring of an adult".

Thursday, March 10, 2016

I Won’t Study Because of;

My Parents…

Maybe you have said to yourself, I don’t want to study to punish my parents for hurting me (in whichever way, as the case may be)…
Hello??? News flash *wake up! They have lived their youths and their lives and you not studying won’t be their headache in the near future… it’s going to be a cross for you to bear ‘ALL BY YOURSELF’ Trust me.

Or My background and I don’t have certain luxuries I feel i should have…

One day I came across a picture on the internet of some students in a ’supposed’ classroom with stones used as their tables… (Very though I know right…) and by the way some students in some northern states still go to school even when it’s not safe for them, because they are prone to gun attacks, bombing attacks or even kidnapping… but they still go to school to learn. Did you just ask why?? Because they want to be success stories and have refused to wallow in self-pity.

Study for yourself! Because at the end of the day you will be the one benefiting and enjoying from your success. By the way, you will lay on the bed you have laid, weather it is properly laid or not. So therefore, the advice is to lay it properly, in order to enjoy the aftermath.

Love Yourself and Be Proud of Who You Are!


      Self-love is the first step you should take towards be successful and accepted. If you do not show love yourself others won’t. Why?

This is because when others see you they see what you project or think about yourself outwards. If you don’t like a certain part of you, you would indirectly show it outwards and others would see it too. Everyone has flaws but the reason why you think the other person is perfect is because they have accepted that part of them that they don’t like and showing confidence outwards has made others see them as perfect and love them for who they project themselves to be.

Today's Quote

"Every kid is one caring adult away from being a success story" -Josh Shipp

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Hey Guys!

Thanks for checking this page... this is going to be fun! I bet you!