Wednesday, November 23, 2016

You Can Make Your Own Story!

There is something about matte black cars... Whenever i look at them i see roughness beauty success and class. Not every car can pull this look off, hold it! i'll tell You where am driving at. When i was a Child i knew a meat seller (ele eran) who used to sell meat on the Street, he also sold door to door, That was how i met him. All of sudden he stopped coming, and i never saw him again. One Day, some years later my mum said to me "guess who i saw at the Bank today, our ele eran" yea,yea... Our ele ran, that's how we called him. *lol* I laughed and said "what was he doing at the Bank" This was because i had a single story @chimamanda_ngozi_adichie about him and had stereotyped him as an NFA (no future ambition). I found out later from my mum that he was training himself in the University all the while he sold meat. She couldn't even recognize him because of the position he held at the Bank. My point; Your humble beginning does not mean You cannot be a diamond in the future. It's not too late to start. Never give up! So i Just got to my destination⛽ Have a great week!

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