Thursday, March 10, 2016

I Won’t Study Because of;

My Parents…

Maybe you have said to yourself, I don’t want to study to punish my parents for hurting me (in whichever way, as the case may be)…
Hello??? News flash *wake up! They have lived their youths and their lives and you not studying won’t be their headache in the near future… it’s going to be a cross for you to bear ‘ALL BY YOURSELF’ Trust me.

Or My background and I don’t have certain luxuries I feel i should have…

One day I came across a picture on the internet of some students in a ’supposed’ classroom with stones used as their tables… (Very though I know right…) and by the way some students in some northern states still go to school even when it’s not safe for them, because they are prone to gun attacks, bombing attacks or even kidnapping… but they still go to school to learn. Did you just ask why?? Because they want to be success stories and have refused to wallow in self-pity.

Study for yourself! Because at the end of the day you will be the one benefiting and enjoying from your success. By the way, you will lay on the bed you have laid, weather it is properly laid or not. So therefore, the advice is to lay it properly, in order to enjoy the aftermath.

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